Returning to our care model that discussed in parts one and two, we can begin by defining our variables.
Each sub-process variable is named for its starting sub-process and ending sub-process. We will define mean time for the sub-processes in minutes, and add a component of time variability. You will note that the variability is skewed – some shorter times exist, but disproportionately longer times are possible. This coincides with real-life: in a well-run operation, mean times may be close to lower limits – as these represent physical (occurring in the real world) processes, there may simply be a physical constraint on how quickly you can do anything! However, problems, complications and miscommunications may extend that time well beyond what we all would like it to be – for those of us who have had real-world hospital experience, does this not sound familiar?
Because of this, we will choose a gamma distribution to model our processes:
The gamma distribution is useful because it deals with continuous time data, and we can skew it through its shaping parameters Kappa () and Theta (
) . We will use the function in R : rgamma(N,
) to generate our distribution between zero and 1, and use a multiplier (slope) and offset (Y-intercept) to adjust the distributions along the X-axis. The gamma distribution can deal with the absolute lower time limit – I consider this a feature, not a flaw.
It is generally recognized that a probability density plot (or Kernel plot) as opposed to a histogram of distributions is more accurate and less prone to distortions related to number of samples (N). A plot of these distributions looks like this:
The R code to generate this distribution, graph, and our initial values dataframe is as follows:
seed <- 3559
set.seed(seed,kind=NULL,normal.kind = NULL)
n <- 16384 ## 2^14 number of samples then let’s initialize variables
k <- c(1.9,1.9,6,1.9,3.0,3.0,3.0,3.0,3.0)
theta <- c(3.8,3.8,3.0,3.8,3.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0)
s <- c(10,10,5,10,10,5,5,5,5,5)
o <- c(4.8,10,5,5.2,10,1.6,1.8,2,2.2)
prosess1 <- (rgamma(n,k[1],theta[1])*s[1])+o[1]
prosess2 <- (rgamma(n,k[2],theta[2])*s[2])+o[2]
prosess3 <- (rgamma(n,k[3],theta[3])*s[3])+o[3]
prosess4 <- (rgamma(n,k[4],theta[4])*s[4])+o[4]
prosess5 <- (rgamma(n,k[5],theta[5])*s[5])+o[5]
prosess6 <- (rgamma(n,k[6],theta[6])*s[6])+o[6]
prosess7 <- (rgamma(n,k[7],theta[7])*s[7])+o[7]
prosess8 <- (rgamma(n,k[8],theta[8])*s[8])+o[8]
prosess9 <- (rgamma(n,k[9],theta[9])*s[9])+o[9]
d1 <- density(prosess1, n=16384)
d2 <- density(prosess2, n=16384)
d3 <- density(prosess3, n=16384)
d4 <- density(prosess4, n=16384)
d5 <- density(prosess5, n=16384)
d6 <- density(prosess6, n=16384)
d7 <- density(prosess7, n=16384)
d8 <- density(prosess8, n=16384)
d9 <- density(prosess9, n=16384)
plot(d9, col=”brown”, type = “n”,main=”Probability Densities”,xlab = “Process Time in minutes”, ylab=”Probability”,xlim=c(0,40), ylim=c(0,0.26))
legend(“topright”,c(“process 1″,”process 2″,”process 3″,”process 4″,”process 5″,”process 6″,”process 7″,”process 8″,”process 9”),fill=c(“brown”,”red”,”blue”,”green”,”orange”,”purple”,”chartreuse”,”darkgreen”,”pink”))
lines(d1, col=”brown”, add=TRUE)
lines(d2, col=”red”, add=TRUE)
lines(d3, col=”blue”, add=TRUE)
lines(d4, col=”green”, add=TRUE)
lines(d5, col=”orange”, add=TRUE)
lines(d6, col=”purple”, add=TRUE)
lines(d7, col=”chartreuse”, add=TRUE)
lines(d8, col=”darkgreen”, add=TRUE)
lines(d9, col=”pink”, add=TRUE)
ptime <- c(d1[1],d2[1],d3[1],d4[1],d5[1],d6[1],d7[1],d8[1],d9[1])
pdens <- c(d1[2],d2[2],d3[2],d4[2],d5[2],d6[2],d7[2],d8[2],d9[2])
ptotal <- data.frame(prosess1,prosess2,prosess3,prosess4,prosess5,prosess6,prosess7,prosess8,prosess9)
names(ptime) <- c(“ptime1″,”ptime2″,”ptime3″,”ptime4″,”ptime5″,”ptime6″,”ptime7″,”ptime8″,”ptime9”)
names(pdens) <- c(“pdens1″,”pdens2″,”pdens3″,”pdens4″,”pdens5″,”pdens6″,”pdens7″,”pdens8″,”pdens9”)
names(ptotal) <- c(“pgamma1″,”pgamma2″,”pgamma3″,”pgamma4″,”pgamma5″,”pgamma6″,”pgamma7″,”pgamma8″,”pgamma9”)
pall <- data.frame(ptotal,ptime,pdens)
Where the relevant term is rgamma(n,,
). We’ll use these distributions in our dataset.
One last concept needs to be discussed: The probability of the sub-processes’ occurence. Each sub-process has a percentage chance of happening – some a 100% certainty, others a fairly low 5% of cases. This reflects the real world reality of what happens – once a test is ordered, there’s a 100% certainty of the patient showing up for the test, but not 100% of the patients will get the test. Some cancel due to contraindications, others can’t tolerate it, others refuse, etc… The percentages that are <100% reflect those probabilities and essentially are like a non-binary boolean switch applied to the beginning of the term that describes that sub-process. We’re evolving first toward a simple generalized linear equation similar to that put forward in this post. I think its going to look somewhat like this:
But we’ll see how well this model fares as we develop it and compare it to some others. The x terms will likely represent the probabilities between 0 and 1.0 (100%).
For a EMR based approach, we would assign a UID (medical record # plus 5-6 extra digits, helpful for encounter #’s). We will ‘disguise’ the UID by adding or subtracting a constant known only to us and then performing a mathematical operation on it. However, for our purposes here, we would not need to do that.
We’ll head on to our analysis in part 4.
Programming notes in R:
1. I experimented with for loops and different configurations of apply with this, and after a few weeks of experimentation, decided I really can’t improve upon the repetitive but simple code above. The issue is that the density function returns a list of 7 variables, so it is not as easy as defining a matrix, as the length of the data frame changes. I’m sure there is a way to get around this, but for the purposes of this illustration it is beyond our needs. Email me at if you have working code that does it better!
2. For the density function, the number of samples must be a power of 2. So by choosing 16384 (2^14) we meet that goal. Setting N to that number makes the data frame more symmetric.
3. In variable names above, prosess is an intentional misspelling.